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AMD Technology

AMD's participation in the personal computer industry spans the history of the company is providing all PC processors from the 8088 version used in the first IBM PC to a new, seven-processor version of AMD Athlon. The company started as a logic chip in 1969. it entered the RAM chip business in 1975, the same year suggested that a reverse-engineering of microprocessor clone of Intel 8080.

The normal view of the fact that Athlon is the first time in the history of Intel's x86 CPU architecture is humility technology lead to the company. Produced rival chips not strictly true. The previous decade of AMD 386DX-40 CPU bettered that of the Intel 486SX chip speed and cost efficiency.

In early 1982, AMD signed a contract with Intel, a second license of the source of the manufacturer 8086 and 8088 processors, IBM, Intel would like to use the IBM 8088, IBM PC, but when the policy must have at least two sources. for chips. AMD later produced the 80286 or 286 South, but by the same Intel canceled the agreement in 1986 and refused to hand over technical details of the i386.

In the early 1990s both AMD and Cyrix made their own version of the Intel 486DX, but their products become better known than the 486DX2 clones with one copy 486DX2-66 (recommended by Intel in 1992) and upping the ante to 80MHz. for speed within a 486DX2-80 is the 40MHz system bus and Intel DX2 chip difference (which ran hot 5V) that it ran cooler 3.3V. This is partly due to the power management features offered by Innovative AMD chips to Intel for two years after implementation. Watches - Triple version of 40MHz 486 processor running at 120MHz will be later.

Although Intel 486 stops updating the DX4-100, AMD Cyrix and stored. In the year 1995 AMD offer clock quadrupled-5x86-33MHz 486DX that ran within the 133MHz. AMD launched a chip edge in performance to Intel's new Pentium/75, so the company called a 5x86-75. But it is a 486DX in all respects. include increasing the 16K level 1 cache (the cache on the processor, which Intel recommends to the DX4.

Generation of post-Pentium design from AMD continued to meet with the appropriate level of market acceptance, especially in the Low cost, the basic PC market. With Intel now concentrating on the period 1 and Slot 2 design targets for competitors to match the performance of Intel redesigned as they come out without having to adopt the new interface processor, Phase Technology The life of a bunch of Socket 7 form factor is substantially expanded with the manufacturer of the motherboard and chipset together. Operating with competitors to Intel's Socket 7 based systems offer advanced features such as 100MHz frontside bus and support for AGP.

Mid 1999, significant development that has important bearing on the competitive position in the processor market. More than a year ago. Following a merger two years ago, Cyrix last bowed out of the desktop computer when a business is difficult to finance, the parent company of National semiconductor sales rights to the x86 CPUs Taiwan chipset manufacturers. technology The other major development rather less welcomed by industry leaders as chipmaker AMD's technology lead from the penalty with the launch of Intel's new Athlon (formerly codenamed "K7") processors.

Intel announced a delay of "Coppermine" 0.18 micron Pentium III around the same time as AMD's new processor launch is interesting to see how companies can capitalise on the unprecedented opportunity to dominate in high-performance stage and what Athlon is the impact on the company's fortunes in the long term.

Tags: AMD, amd computers, amd cpu, amd processor, athlon 64 amd, athlon amd, processors, CPU


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