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Quick Startup for PC

Boot is bootstrapping. Process starts when a user opens the operating system in a computer system. First boot the computer to continue. When a change in power.
เถอะ simply words. "Switch on the computer with reference to boot your computer. Word phrases picking people boot from the boot-strapping, which is similar to when a user switches on Computer ".

Start up or boot disk that will do is called "Bootable Disk", set the program to load from RAM to ROM environment of action. Add processing instructions added.

The boot loader loads the main operating systems for computers generally. Some time in the boot process with a computer system. If your computer is taking too long to boot; Some of the problems with your computer system.

Some problems may be:
• small or less hard disk space on your hard disk.
• Installing software that is not heavily used.
• To uninstall the software.
• corrupted system files.
• high temperature of the computer.
• Less RAM etc.

There can be many other problems but these are core, if your computer has. I reduced the steps for Microsoft Windows that allows your computer boot faster.

1. Make sure enough free space on your hard disk. Minimum area of at least 500 MB of this space allows the computer room share files. Add a large room for temporary files. You can free hard disk space by cleaning and then delete the temporary files that do not remember.

2. normal running ScanDisk periodically to ensure that the cluster of problems in computer hard disk drive to help in monitoring the physical hard disk and eliminate these problems.

3. Run Defrag weekly to run properly manage information. This reduces the time to access the computer.

4. tries to find a program that runs at startup. This process slow down your computer. Try to delete or disable these programs started.

5. audit should not conflict in Device Manager. If someone is trying to resolve their conflict.

6. If you use Windows XP to delete all files in the "prefetch" directory and prefetch these files can reduce system performance.

7. steps to resolve the basis for running your operating system. Make sure your computer and processor is not overheating, excess heat may cause significant decrease in computer performance some. Reduced processing speed processor automatically to help compensate for problems. With heat

8. scan for viruses; Update your antivirus program regularly. If you virus scan your computer trying to remove these viruses is slow. Damage to computer systems.

9. try to repair Windows if these steps do not work out.

10. Finally, if these steps will not help you optimize your system. Try format your computer and install a computer operating system.

If friends so you must take in the boot and then try these steps and improve the performance of computer systems.

Tags: my speed, slow computer, slow windows, speed boot, speed optimize, speed up pc, startup xp, windows optimize, windows speed, windows xp


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